All of the surgical or non-surgical treatments performed to correct this condition in people with chest deformities caused by malformations in the bones or cartilages of the ribs or sternum bone forming the rib cage can be collected under the title of chest deformity surgery
If we detail the patients who are candidates for these treatments, we should have to write almost all of these Pectus Deformities.
Funnel Chest (Pectus Excavatum)
Funnel Chest (Pectus Excavatum); Also known as Sunken Chest. It is the condition that the sternum bone is collapsed into the rib cage according to where it should be. Funnel Chest is the most common thoracic wall deformity.
Funnel Chest causes volume loss in internal organs such as heart, lung, esophagus, stomach. It also causes pressure on these organs. Funnel Chest impairs the diaphragm functions and causes a deterioration in effort tolerance.
Funnel Chest is the cause of arrhythmia and palpitations. It causes posture disorders and spine problems such as humpback (kyphosis), Scoliosis, forward facing of the shoulder heads, winging of the scapula.
Funnel Chest (Pectus Excavatum)'s psychological effects are named as Mental Deformity in the literature. Funnel Chest is the cause of low self-confidence and anxiety in approximately 80% of patients. It is also a very important problem aesthetically. It causes the patient to feel disabled.
Pigeon Chest (Pectus Carinatum)
Pigeon Chest (Pectus Carinatum) is the condition that the sternum bone is more out of place than it should be.
Pectus Carinatum causes posture disorders and spine problems such as humpback (kyphosis), Scoliosis, forward facing of the shoulder heads, winging of the scapula.
Pigeon Chest causes psychological (mental deformity) and aesthetic problems.
Pectus Arcuatum
Pectus Arcuatum is mixed deformity in which pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum are seen together
Poland's Syndrome
Poland's Syndrome ⎮ Dr.Pectus
Poland's Syndrome is absence of pectoral muscle other than anomalies of ribs, underdevelopment or absence of breast, adherence of hand fingers - syndactyly- and other hand or arm anomalies
Sternal Cleft
Sternal Cleft is the situation that the middle of the sternum bone remains open (and sometimes even the fact that the heart is outside, which we call ectopia cordis, may accompany this situation)
Rib Flare
Rib Flare is outward protrusion at the ends of the ribs (protruding rib deformity)
As a result of the improper development of the ribs, vital organs such as the heart and lungs to underdeveloped. There are basically two subgroups (Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy and Fibrodysplasia Ossificans). The form often seen as "Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy" has 22 different types.
The most commonly known is "Jeune Syndrome." Other well-known ones are Saldino-Noonan Syndrome, Majewski Syndrome, Mainzer-Saldino Syndrome, Beemer-Langer Syndrome, and Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome.
One of the dozens of syndromes in which chest deformities are only a component: Achondroplasia, Marfan Syndrome, Osteogenesis imperfecta, Anterior Thoracic Dysplasia, Noonan Syndrome, Ehler Danlos Syndrome, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Loey-Dietz Syndrome, Celiac Disease, Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease, Atelosteogenesis Syndromes, Pierre-Robin Syndrome, Sprengel Deformity, Sotos Syndrome, Jarcho-Levin Syndrome, Radial Club Syndrome and Holt Oram Syndrome and etc...
All individuals with these deformities need to be treated, even if the deformity itself has not caused any physiological problems other than aesthetic-psychological anxiety.
Moreover, there is no specific age range for treatment. Treatment can be applied to young children from the age of 0. In fact, the earlier the treatment is started, the higher the chance of success of non-surgical treatments.
Therefore, patients should consult a doctor as soon as the deformity is noticed by the parents. There is no upper age limit for treatment.
We have treated dozens of individuals over the age of 40 (and even over 50 years old) who were afraid of being exposed to the bad effects of pectus deformities in old age and wanted to invest in themselves.
In fact, we added the largest series reported on this subject in the world to the scientific literature. You can find this article in the relevant section of our website.
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